Factory Tours

Backing Britain 3.0 Taster Event in Cosmo Bonsor, Wolverhampton

Backing Britain 3.0 Taster Event in Cosmo Bonsor, Wolverhampton

Thursday, 1 July at 04:30pm


Cosmo Bonsor


Factory Tours

Join us for monthly in-person events at state of the art hospitality venues in the Midlands and Yorkshire regions.  

To celebrate the hard work and dedication of manufacturers who worked tirelessly throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, these events will feature an awards ceremony for the ‘Manufacturing Heroes’ title.  

Each of these events will give you the opportunity to sponsor and the first drink is on us! 

In order to attend our physical events, to ensure all of our member's and team's safety, we are asking that you carry out a COVID lateral flow test on the day of the event and show as the results upon arrival. If you have had 2 doses of a COVID-19 vaccination, please bring proof of this to show upon entry (eg your vaccination card/a photograph of your vaccination card).

Subject to availability, numbers may be limited.

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