Industry Meetup

Backing Britain Virtual Breakfast Morning with Handling Concepts, Industrial Washing Machine & Agemaspark

Backing Britain Virtual Breakfast Morning with Handling Concepts, Industrial Washing Machine & Agemaspark

Wednesday, 22 March at 09:00am


72 minutes


Industry Meetup

The Backing Britain Virtual Breakfast Mornings have been upgraded! 

Join fellow business leaders and professionals every other Wednesday at 9 am with the Made in Group.  
The Made in Group offers businesses a platform to connect and share best practice in the manufacturing community, we do this by facilitating roundtable discussions and networking opportunities at accessible virtual events. 
Members also have the chance to learn best practice from 3 hosting speakers, this is followed by a 30-minute round table discussion on relevant topics. 

David Green Managing Director at Handling Concepts discussing Automation Transformation Join David to learn how to assess if your factory may or may not be suitable for automation of your goods movements and the best practice for planning an introduction of automation. David will cover which goods movement methods both automated and non automated are best suited to a selection of industrial environments.

Carl Hollier Managing Director at Industrial Washing Machine discuss Building a Successful International Trade Network As Queen's award Winners for International Trade, Industrial Washing Machine is the perfect company to discuss how to build a successful global trade network. Managing Director and Owner, Carl Hollier, will be sharing the company’s best practices on how to successfully make connections across multiple countries by focusing on opportunity.

Paul Stockhill Managing Director at Agemaspark will be discussing Apprenticeships and Recruitment. He will share Agemasparks targets of engaging with education, as well as recruiting and growing their own apprentices. The reason Paul decided grow his own specialised work force was that there was no experienced people out in the market place that were suitable. 

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