Industry Meetup

Backing Britain Virtual Breakfast Morning Assemtron, Boneham & Turner & Rheintacho

Backing Britain Virtual Breakfast Morning Assemtron,  Boneham & Turner & Rheintacho

Wednesday, 25 January at 09:00am


71 minutes


Industry Meetup

The Backing Britain Virtual Breakfast Mornings have been upgraded! 

Join fellow business leaders and professionals every other Wednesday at 9 am with the Made in Group.  
The Made in Group offers businesses a platform to connect and share best practice in the manufacturing community, we do this by facilitating roundtable discussions and networking opportunities at accessible virtual events. 
Members also have the chance to learn best practice from 3 hosting speakers, this is followed by a 30-minute round table discussion on relevant topics. 

Nigel Maris Managing Director at Assemtron discussing Industry 4.0.

Nigel will be discussing best practice around how to use the Internet of Things (IoT) and industry 4 to create new value streams. Traditional businesses tend to use Industry 4 to monitor disruption in productivity when they occur. Using the latest technology to monitor issues before they occur could help businesses save thousands.

Charles Boneham Managing Director at Boneham & Turner discussing Managing International relationships

Charles will be speaking about the company's long established relationship with American distributors and how the company maintains this relationship through economic and political challenges. Trustworthy logistics, continuous communication and international office bases play a major part in this best practice. 

Bill Buhler Managing Director at Rheintacho who will be discussing best practice around Optimizing Skill Set in Business. 

Bill will point out the tools Rheintacho uses to optimize the skills of its people. Specifically succession plans, skills matrix, qualification profiles and potential analysis - how they assess the development abilities of individuals within the organisation. 

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